Educational Coaching & Advocacy

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Do YOU seek Guidance on Navigating the Public Education System, Advocating for Interventions, 504 Accommodations, an IDEA Evaluation, and Improving Communication with your Child's School?

  • We gather information for a comprehensive records review to understand your child's learning history, strengths, and challenges.

    Our Records Review Includes (as appropriate) :

    Parent Information

    • Parent Input

    • Medical/Clinical Evaluations/Records

    School Information

    • General & Special Education Teacher Input

    • Hearing & Vision Records

    • AZELLA Scores

    • State & District Assessments

    • Benchmark Assessments

    • Grades & Work Samples

    • Discipline & Attendance Records

    • Child Study Team (CST) / Student Study Team (SST) Intervention Data

    • Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) Report

    • Individualized Education Program (IEP)

    • Goal Progress Reports

    • Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

    • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

    Let us help you navigate your child's educational journey with confidence and clarity. Contact us today!

  • We'll help you understand their intervention data, assessment results, educational implications, and the services they receive.

    Our Services Include:

    • Comprehensive Records Review: We'll go over all your child's records with you, ensuring you understand every detail.

    • Insight into Strengths & Challenges: Learn about your child's unique abilities and areas where they might need support.

    • Emotional & Social Well-being: Gain a deeper understanding of your child's emotional health, social interactions, and learning experiences.

    • Interventions & Services: Understand the interventions, supports, and services your child is receiving and how they impact their learning.

    • Assessment Results: Get a clear explanation of assessment results and what they mean for your child's education.

    • Disability Categories vs. Medical Diagnoses: Learn the difference between educational categories of disability and medical/clinical diagnoses.

    • Tailored Strategies & Recommendations: Receive personalized strategies and recommendations to support your child's educational journey.

    We're here to Empower YOU with the knowledge and tools to Help Your Child Thrive. Contact us today to get started!

  • The ultimate goal is to empower you as a parent, and also to gain a deeper understanding of your child’s unique needs, know your educational rights, and learn practical strategies to advocate effectively for them.

    Our Services Include:

    • Guidance through General and Special Education Processes: Get expert support navigating the complexities of both general and special education.

    • Empower Yourself to Support Your Child: Gain the knowledge and tools you need to confidently advocate for your child's unique strengths and challenges. We’re here to guide you every step of the way!

    • Advocacy, Collaboration, & Support: Collaborate with our consultant to create a personalized advocacy plan with effective strategies tailored to your child's needs. Receive ongoing support to confidently navigate educational processes, ensuring you're well-prepared for meetings, negotiations, and decision-making.

    Navigate Educational Processes:

    • 504 Meetings

    • Parent-Teacher Conferences

    • Classroom Observations

    • MET/IEP Meetings

    • FBA/BIP Meetings

    • Bullying Concerns

    • Resolution Meetings

    • Transition Meetings

    • Manifestation Meetings

    Let us help you become the best advocate for your neurodivergent child. Contact us today to get started!

  • We’ll assist with personalized correspondence, enhance your relationship with the school, and guide you through:

    • Requesting records

    • Setting up parent meetings

    • Scheduling Child Study/Student Study Team meetings

    • Requesting Section 504 evaluations for accommodations

    • Requesting IDEA evaluations for special education services

    • Reviewing or amending IEPs

    • Using neurodivergent-affirming language in 504 plans and IEPs

    • Consultants active participation in meetings as requested

    With our help, you'll be well-equipped to actively participate in discussions and advocate effectively for your child's needs.

Get the Support Your Child Needs NOW—Let’s Secure their Services and Accommodations Today!

1:1 Coaching, Personalized Support, & Self-Empowerment

Unlock Your Child's FULL Potential

This Could Be YOU!