Neurodivergent Educational Services

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Transform Your Child’s Life with Neurodivergent Educational Services

I offer a unique perspective to help your child navigate their Neurodivergent Educational Journey and find tailored solutions. I’ll work with you to support your child in gaining deep insights, clarifying their educational goals, and overcoming challenges specific to Middle and High School. Together, we'll build the confidence and strategies needed to help them reshape their academic experience, relationships, and future success.

Does YOUR Child have Challenges in ANY of These Areas? Are YOU Ready to Harness Your Power as a Parent, Unlock Your Child’s True Potential, and Foster Lasting Growth?

    • Interventions: Implement strategies to help students adjust to new situations or changes in plans. This might include role-playing, visual schedules, and gradual exposure to change.

    • Activities: Use games and exercises that require thinking on one’s feet and adapting strategies.

    • Interventions: Develop techniques to enhance the student’s ability to hold and manipulate information. This might involve memory aids, chunking information, and frequent reviews.

    • Activities: Engage in exercises that involve following multi-step instructions and recalling information.

    • Interventions: Teach and model empathy and understanding others’ viewpoints. Use social stories and role-playing scenarios.

    • Activities: Practice with peer interactions and discussions about different perspectives in various situations.

    • Interventions: Help students understand their own needs and how to communicate them effectively. This may involve role-playing and practicing self-disclosure in a safe setting.

    • Activities: Teach students to articulate their needs and preferences clearly, and practice these skills in real-life situations.

    • Interventions: Foster a belief in the ability to improve through effort and learning. Encourage resilience and a positive attitude toward challenges.

    • Activities: Discuss and model stories of perseverance and effort, and provide feedback that focuses on the process rather than innate ability.

    • Interventions: Help students develop strategies to evaluate their own performance and behavior. Use self-assessment tools and reflection activities.

    • Activities: Implement self-monitoring charts or journals to track progress and behavior.

    • Interventions: Encourage and support the beginning of tasks and activities. Develop structured routines and provide cues or prompts.

    • Activities: Use checklists and time management tools to prompt the start of tasks.

    • Interventions: Teach effective study strategies and time management skills. Develop personalized study plans and habits.

    • Activities: Practice creating and following study schedules, using active learning techniques, and organizing study materials.

    • Interventions: Implement strategies for managing impulses and maintaining attention. Use mindfulness exercises and behavioral strategies.

    • Activities: Practice exercises that focus on attention control, such as focusing games and impulse control strategies.

    • Interventions: Help students plan and use their time effectively. Provide tools and techniques for scheduling and prioritizing tasks.

    • Activities: Create visual schedules, use timers, and set specific time limits for tasks.

    • Interventions: Develop systems and strategies to keep materials and tasks organized. Teach organizational skills and provide tools for maintaining order.

    • Activities: Use organizational tools like binders, planners, and digital apps, and practice sorting and categorizing materials.

    • Interventions: Teach students to plan out tasks and projects. Use graphic organizers and step-by-step planning methods.

    • Activities: Practice breaking down tasks into manageable steps and creating action plans.

    •  Interventions: Assist students in setting and achieving personal and academic goals. Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria for goal-setting.

    • Activities: Work with students to create and track goals, and discuss progress and adjustments.

    • Interventions: Provide strategies and frameworks for identifying and solving problems. Teach systematic approaches to problem-solving.

    • Activities: Engage in problem-solving scenarios and practice applying different strategies to real-life situations.

    • Interventions: Help students develop the ability to make informed decisions. Use decision-making models and practice evaluating options.

    • Activities: Work through decision-making processes and discuss outcomes of different choices.

    • Interventions: Teach and support strategies for managing emotions and maintaining emotional balance. Use techniques such as mindfulness and coping strategies.

    • Activities: Practice relaxation techniques, identify and label emotions, and develop coping plans for emotional challenges.

Your Child’s Transformation Starts NOW—Let’s Begin Their Journey Today!

1:1 Coaching, Personalized Support, & Self-Empowerment

Unlock Your Child's FULL Potential

This Could Be YOU!